


实践自我照顾的方法没有对错之分. 这里有一些自我护理的建议供你尝试!

当你忙着照顾家人的时候, 全职工作, 上学和处理其他责任, 软件下载很容易忘记为自己腾出时间. 这就是为什么保持自我照顾很重要 动机 ,避免 倦怠. 自我保健 can come in many forms such as physical, emotional 和 social.

  • 物理: To practice effective self-care, you need to take care of your body. 的 国家心理健康研究所 看到了一个人的身体和 心理健康. If you take care of your body, then you’re more capable of practicing other forms of self-care. 身体上的自我保健包括得到足够的休息, not overexerting yourself 和 maintaining healthy eating habits.
  • 情感: 软件下载都经历过愤怒这样的情绪, 悲伤, 焦虑和沮丧, but it’s important that you have strong healthy coping mechanisms for those feelings. Activities that allow you to express yourself 和 your emotions naturally 和 regularly can help you feel more 放松.
  • 精神: Your mental self-care includes things to keep your mind active, but it can also mean developing a positive interior dialogue. Being positive 和 compassionate with both yourself 和 others can help create a healthier environment for yourself.
  • 社会: 社交自我照顾往往是最难驾驭的. You need to socialize with others, but some people also need more time to themselves. 的re is not a set number of hours or friends that you should have to feel happy.

实践自我照顾的方法没有对错之分. Some things may be effective for one person but it might not be effective for another. 这里有一些自我护理的建议供你尝试:

1. 充分休息

得到足够的 睡眠 is important for maintaining your physical 和 心理健康. 根据 美国疾病控制与预防中心在美国,三分之一的成年人吸烟.S. report getting less than the recommended amount of 睡眠 per night. 缺乏睡眠不仅会影响你的判断力, but it can also leave you more at risk for health conditions like 抑郁症心脏病和肥胖. 七到九个小时 成年人的建议睡眠时间是8小时. 睡眠可以增加能量,让你心情愉悦!

2. 记录你的成就

人们很容易忘记自己的成就, 尤其是当你同时承担多重责任的时候. Recognizing 和 celebrating those accomplishments is an important part of self-care. 的y can be big achievements like a job 促销活动 or graduation, 也可以是更小的成就, like completing a difficult assignment or finishing a book on your reading list. Keep a record of your accomplishments to remind yourself of how far you’ve come 和 to motivate you to continue working hard.

3. 表达感激之情

对小事心怀感激! Some people find it helpful to document what they are grateful for in a journal so they can look back at all the positive things they have written. Other people will fill a jar with slips of paper so they can see how "full" their life is of things they are grateful for. It can also be beneficial to show your gratitude toward other people. 你可以说谢谢, leave an extra tip at a restaurant or call up a friend to say you appreciate them. By showing your gratitude, you create a positive environment for yourself 和 the people around you.

4. 安排和爱人在一起的时间

花时间和别人在一起是帮助你的好方法 心理健康. 如果可以的话,和朋友或家人呆在一起. If you can’t travel or leave the house, consider a virtual hangout with friends! 你的朋友圈可以成为你的支持系统. 的y can help encour年龄 you, 和 help you express your emotions.

5. 花时间独处

If you’re someone who spends a lot of time surrounded by people, 花时间独处是有益的. 如果你的内向程度高于外向, 社交活动结束后,你可能会更加疲惫. 花点时间独自思考, listening to music or watching a favorite film are all great ways to 放松. 写日记也是另一种独处的好方法.

6. 吃你喜欢的东西

Treating yourself to some dessert can sometimes improve your mood, 但这不应该是你每天都要做的事情. Eating healthy is an important part of self-care because when you have a poor diet, 它会影响你健康的其他方面. Find some healthy meal options 和 treat yourself in moderation.

7. 设定目标

软件下载都有为之奋斗的长期目标, 但设定和完成更小, 短期目标也很重要. It can help put you in a better mindset to achieve some of your other long-term goals. You can set new goals like learning to knit or play a new sport, 或者你可以把长期目标分解成更小的目标. 例如, maybe earning your diploma could start with you accomplishing a smaller goal of finishing a paper or assignment.



*美国劳工统计局(BLS).S. 劳工部, Occupational Employment 和 W年龄 Statistics 2023 / Occupational Outlook H和book 2022. BLS estimates do not represent entry-level w年龄s 和/or salaries. 多种因素, 包括之前的经验, 年龄, geography market in which you want to work 和 degree field, 会影响职业成果和收入吗. Herzing neither represents that its graduates will earn the aver年龄 salaries calculated by BLS for a particular job nor guarantees that graduation from its program will result in a job, 促销活动, 加薪或其他职业发展.

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